As One

 I'm not a very romantic person but sometimes I have my moments of love and pain, two words that more often than not walk hand in hand. The below, written on March 14th 2017, is about when you love someone so much that their pain becomes your own and you almost drive yourself mad when they are suffering (physically and/or emotionally) and there's nothing you can do to alleviate that pain. Or when you try hard to be there for them but they won't let you. Sometimes we wish we held the key to open our loved one's heart but the walls he or she builds around them are just too tall and too thick... What to do then? Do you just wait patiently for something that may never be or do you walk away? If you stay is it real love or is it blindness? If you leave are you letting go or was that love not really that strong? At this stage I really don't know the answer and perhaps I never will.

As One

Let me be like you
Let me do the things you do
I want to live in your blood
Live in each of your veins
Feel each and every of your pains

Let your pain be mine
Me inside you let you shine
Let my being feed your soul
I'd let you drink from me
Always and forever one we'll be

Let me be your blood running deep
Your dreams while you sleep
I want to be all that you touch
Let me be your smile, your tears
I shall be your hope and your fears

I will be you, you'll be me
I will love you, I will hate you
Of your heart I'll hold the key.


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