Frozen Death

I wrote the poem below on March 29th 2017. It's basically about how we humans have become insensitive, selfish and greedy and how it's very unlikely that we will choose paths of kindness, compassion and love. You know how it goes, everybody says they love honesty, but nobody is honest. Everybody says they love loyalty but nobody is loyal. Everybody says they love principles but nobody has principles or, even worse, they invert principles. I am no moralist and I do accept we all have our own ideas of good, evil and justice. But I do believe that when my actions negatively affect other people, perhaps I don't really have the right to do all that I want. And unfortunately almost every day I do see people acting without any regard of how their actions will negatively affect others. Even worse, they see nothing wrong with it. Anything goes. It's always about Me, Myself and I. 

Frozen Death

Lost, silent, dead an cold
I never believed I'd ever grow old
The world too painful for me to live
My soul departed when it had no more to give.

Anger, hatred, greed and pain
All fights and struggles will be in vain
The human beats the most fearful of all
Our evil nature will be our fall

The hearts have gone frozen
Death is what we have chosen
Towards the deadly light like a butterfly
We walk towards the pit as time goes by

And time will not stop
Time will not stand still
Like the dreams we crop
It has its own will

Fast it runs
Fast it flies
Like the lethal bullet of guns
It will not hear our cries!


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